We completed the investment of 2 new companies during the summer, Neural Dynamics Technologies and InMapz. The following is a brief introduction of them.
Neural Dynamics Technologies, NDT for short, (https://neuraldynamicstechnologies.com/) was founded by a research scientist and a post doc at MIT who specialized in deep brain stimulation (DBS) researches. They are developing high-precision DBS treatment of neurological diseases. Current DBS electrodes for Parkinson, Essential tremor, Dystonia and Epilepsy disease have many side effects due to off target stimulation effects. NDT has designed and produced a much smaller and more precise deep brain stimulating probes. Furthermore, their probes not only can stimulate brain, but also able to collect brain signals. They have received more than 3M none-dilute SBIR funding. The prototype electrode is currently in animal trial. Our investment will help them in the upcoming human trials.
InMapz (https://www.inmapz.com/) is a software company based on SaaS business model. It focuses on facility management sector where it traditionally receives little in-house IT supports. InMapz provides tools for facility managers to do their jobs more efficiently. Many facility managers are still using paper floor plans and spreadsheets to track equipment. Generating quarterly reports and locating expired equipment to replace are no easy tasks for a large hospital or a school district. InMapz’s software will digitize all the equipment to a map visually showing maintenance workers the equipment exact locations. It also stores all relevant information as well as photos for the equipment. The information in the cloud can be shared in real time and accessible from any network ready devices, from smart phones to tablets and PCs. InMapz already has a few big clients. It is in the process increase its software capabilities and developing more clients. Since InMapz has been using off shore software development resources it can maintain a very high gross margin.